Brandon Vogt, PhD

Brandon Vogt, PhD

Brandon Vogt, PhD

Associate Professor
Columbine Hall, rm. 2011

Areas of Interest

  • Geomorphology - rock weathering, mountain systems, snow and ice
  • Mountain meteorology and microclimate
  • Terrestrial 3D laser scanning
  • GIS, geovisualization, spatial analysis
  • Geomorphometry - scale and texture
  • High-impact educational practices
  • Undergraduate research


  • PhD, Geography, Arizona State University, 2007
  • MA, Geography, Arizona State University, 2000
  • BS, Natural Resources, University of Missouri, 1992

Courses Taught

  • Environmental Systems: Landforms and Soils (GES 1010)
  • Practical Meteorology (GES 3200)
  • Sonic Landscapes (GES 3410, VAPA 3900, MUS 4960), co-taught with Glen Whitehead (UCCS)
  • Principles of Geomorphology (GES 4310 / 5310, GEOL 4630 / 5630)
  • Field Studies: Snow and Ice, Silverton, CO (GES 4460 / 5170)
  • Field Studies: Periglacial Landscapes, Ouray, CO (GES 4460 / 5170) (debut summer 2024)
  • Geography Summit (GES 4900)
  • Mountain Weather and Microclimate (special topics, GES 4700)

Selected Publications

  • Vogt, Brandon, and G. Whitehead. Sonic Landscapes: An Interdisciplinary Journey into Earth and Atmosphere through Sonic Improvisation. Journal of College Science Teaching (under review, June 2024). 
  • Vogt, Brandon, and A. Routt. Safety Recommendations for Conducting Fieldwork in Remote, High Elevation, Mountainous Terrain. Journal of Geoscience Education (revised and resubmitted May 2024; under review).
  • Routt, Austin, B. Vogt, K. Hughson, et al. A Five-Year Kinematic Record of the Gilpin Peak Rock Glacier, Southwest Colorado. Geophysical Research Letters (under review, Jan. 2024).
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2020. "Colorado’s Terrain-Tied Meteorology." In Denver and the Rocky Mountain West, ed. Michael Keables.
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2019 / 2024. “Mountain Meteorology.” Oxford Bibliographies in "Geography." Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press, Nov. 2019 (updated Feb. 2024).
  • Hodanish, Steve, B. Vogt, and P. Wolyn. 2019. Colorado lightning climatologyJournal of Operational Meteorology. 7(4): 45-60. 
  • Vogt, Brandon, S. Lapham, and R. Theobald. 2018. The physical geography of the San Luis Valley Region of South Central Colorado. National Council for the Social Sciences. Social Studies and the Young Learner 30:3 (Jan./Feb.)
  • Vogt, Brandon, and E. Skop. 2017. The Silverton field experience:  A model geography course for achieving high-impact educational practices (HEPs). Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 41(4): 574-589.
  • Vogt, Brandon, and S. Hodanish. 2016. A geographical analysis of warm season lightning / landscape interactions across Colorado, USA. Applied Geography 75: 93-103.
  • Havlick, D., T. Huber, E. Billmeyer, B. Vogt, and K. Rodman. 2016. Informal trail creation: Hiking, trail running, and mountain bicycling in shortgrass prairie. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24(7): 1-18.
  • Hodza, P., Schaab, G. Coetzee, S. Van der Merwe, F. and B. Vogt. 2015. Comparing proportional compositions of geospatial technology related programs at three universities. South African Journal of Geomatics 4(3): 240-249.
  • Vogt, Brandon, and S. Hodanish. 2014. A high-resolution lightning map of the state of Colorado. Monthly Weather Review 142(7): 2353-2360.
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2014. Visualizing summertime lightning patterns on Colorado Fourteeners. The Professional Geographer 66(1): 41-57.  
  • Vogt, Brandon, and P. Hodza. 2013. Using 'Digital Earth' to expose students to GIScience. Journal of Geography 112(5): 205-213.
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2013. Colorado 14ers, Pixel by Pixel. In D. Albert, & G. Dobbs (Eds.), Emerging Methods and Multidisciplinary Applications in Geospatial Research (pp. 239-254). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. (reprint)
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2013. Colorado 14ers, Pixel by Pixel. In Information Resources Management Association, USA (Ed.), Geographic Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1200-1215). (reprint)
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2012. Terrestrial 3D laser scanners as tools to enhance undergraduate geography curriculum. Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences 35:21-26.
  • Cameron, N., E. Butterworth, D. Cerney, W. Gribb, K. Haynes, B. Hodge, R. Honea and B. Vogt. 2012. Applied geography education in focus: strategic panel session. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 3(3).
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2011. Exploring cloud-to-ground lightning earth highpoint attachment geography by peak current. Earth Interactions 15:1-16.
  • Vogt, Brandon. 2011. Colorado 14ers, pixel by pixel. International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 2(2):17-33
  • Vogt, Brandon, and Edsall, R. 2010. Terrestrial laser scanning and exploratory spatial data analysis for the mapping of weathering forms on rock art panels. Geocarto International 1:1-21.
  • Fonstad, Mark, W. Pugatch, and B. Vogt. 2003. Kansas is flatter than a pancake. Annals of Improbable Research 9(3).
  • Wentz, Elizabeth, M. Kuby, and B. Vogt. 2001. Extracting high points from statistical surfaces: A case study using digital elevation models. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 28(4): 259-271.
  • Kuby, Michael, E. Wentz, B. Vogt, and R. Virden. 2001. Experiences in developing a tourism website for hiking Arizona’s highest summits and deepest canyons. Tourism Geographies 3(4): 454-473. 

Honors and Awards

  • 2023 UCCS Campus-Wide Outstanding Teaching Award
  • 2021 UCCS Office of the Provost Teaching Enhancement Grant
  • 2021 Two Undergraduate Research Academy (URA) Scholarships, San Juan Mountains Rock Glacier Monitoring
  • 2020 Teaching Online Program (TOP) Online Course Design Badge Holder
  • 2014 LAS Outstanding Teaching Award
  • 2012 AAG Enhancing Departments and Graduate Education (EDGE) Grant Recipient
  • 2010 AAG Applied Geography Specialty Group Class Exercise Award Competition Winner
  • 2009 CU President's Teaching and Learning Collaborative Award
  • Earlier in life: USGS On the Spot Award; Kodak Nomination of Excellence in Photography, Corcoran Gallery of Art; Eagle Scout, National Capital Area Council 

Volunteer and Service

  • American Association of Geographers (AAG) Mountain Geography Specialty Group (MGSG) President (2024, 2025)
  • American Association of Geographers (AAG) Mountain Geography Specialty Group (MGSG) Secretary / Treasurer (2022, 2023)
  • Citizen Science / COCORaHs Volunteer, 2007 - present (CO-EP-287 & CO-GR-71)
  • UCCS Masters of Applied Geography Program Graduate Director July 2019 - June 2023 
  • UCCS Mentored Doctoral Fellowship reviewer 2021 - present
  • UCCS Honors Program Scholarship reviewer 2021 - 2022
  • Past President (2016) - Great Plains / Rocky Mountains (GPRM) Division, AAG
  • Applied Geography Conferences Board Member / Student Paper and Poster Competition Co-Chair 2013 - present
  • GES Website Maintainer 2010 - 2023
  • UCCS Cafe Scientifique Organizer 2016 - 2020
  • GES Colloquium Series Organizer 2013 - 2016